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Whether you're a homeowner, municipality, general or commercial contractor, our team is equipped to meet your needs in a professional and efficient manner. Please take a look at our services below to see how we can help you!

Our services are useful in a variety of areas including:

  • Drill, split and blast for swimming pools

  • Test bore to chart ledge for sewer water and drain, plus all other utilities

  • Perforate ledge to degrade integrity of rock to aid in hydraulic hammering

  • Reduce time for critical excavation by having splitting crews available 7 days a week

  • Create blast plan for Massachusetts highway permitting

  • Create traffic management plan for road openings

  • Earth Nails & Underpinning

The best ledge removal methods

RSI utilizes a non-invasive approach; our ledge removal methods are completed with minimal vibration and disruption. RSI takes the time to measure equally distant drill sites; ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and an optimal blast.


No project too big or too small

RSI has over 40 years of experience working with project managers, contractors and homeowners. We've completed a variety of jobs and are fully capable of assessing any situation and recommending the best possible solution. Feel free to view our gallery of images and videos to see some of our completed projects.

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Expanding Concrete:

2' Below Elevation, No Blasting

Expanding Chemical Splitting


Rock Splitters is always looking for new ways to innovate for our customers. A great example of this is our newly implemented "Expanding Chemical" approach. This process is much less invasive than traditional methods (no vibrations) and utilizes a non-toxic concrete in areas where hammering and blasting is prohibited. While this technique does require a higher volume of drilling, it yields great results for those who require it and is very neighbor friendly. Contact us today to learn more!


• Only Requirement Is A Current Dig-Safe Number

• Immediate Response

• No Pre-Blast Inspections

• No Fire Details

• No Permits

• No Need For An Oversized Excavator

Drilling Process & Considerations


Rocksplitters' main concern prior to the commencement of any blasting project is the exposure of any liability. This includes buildings, underground utilities, water, sewer, gas and cable lines. During this time, we notify Dig Safe, a local clearinghouse. We work hand and hand with the providers of these services, to locate their exact locations, providing us with the ability to devise the right blast plan.


We then notify the local fire dept. for their permit requirements. We then hand out abutter notification flyers to residents within 250 feet. These notices inform them of impending blasting. We also offer the abutters access to a pre-blast survey. This free service allows them to submit a pre-blasting condition report of the abutting structure, which is then archived. Once the surveys are done a permit is issued.


Then the blast preparation begins. Each blast is covered by heavy rubber mats to prevent fly rock, muffle noise, and limit vibration. Seismographs are placed at the nearest inhabited structure. We provide warning signs at ingress, egress points, an audible is sounded 5 minutes prior to blast, blast is initiated, an all clear siren is sounded.


This seems like a lot of preparation. That’s because it is. We perform this sequence each and every job. We are very serious about safety. It is our business after all! We are guests at these locations, so we like to leave it as we found it... sometimes even better!


If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this process, feel free to get in touch with us.

Office: Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM • Charlton, MA • 508-726-2661

© 2023 Rock Splitters, Inc. Powered by CC Brooks.

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